If you want to convey messages clearly, persuasively and convincingly, being a good spokesperson is nowadays an essential factor. The ability to communicate effectively can make the difference between success and failure, whether in front of customers, employees, the media or the community at large.
To begin with, we need to be aware of the standards to be followed when selecting a company spokesperson. Everyone in the management of an organisation should generally be trained in communication because, although they are not usually spokespersons, they may be required to do so at a particular time, such as in the case of a reputational crisis..
According to the editorial platform The Conversation (2020), spokespersons elected to the top management of a company are newsworthy because they are people perceived as relevant by the audience and, therefore, the ones journalists always want to talk to because their statements have more media impact.
With this in mind, and once the most suitable speaker has been chosen, it is time to follow some of the following steps training guidelines that will enable you to communicate effectively with all types of audiences:
- Thorough preparation: a thorough knowledge of the subject to be dealt with is necessary to be able to convey clear, concise and coherent messages that also relate to the brand's values and image. To achieve this, a team of communication specialists is needed. The feedback is fundamental to becoming an effective spokesperson. Constructive criticism allows for continuous improvement in the way you communicate. Using every intervention as an opportunity for growth, a spokesperson should value both praise and suggestions for improvement. The self-assessmentbased on recordings of the interventions themselves, complements this feedback by providing objective perspectives on body language, tone of voice and clarity of message.
- Know your audience: Each audience is different, so it is important to tailor the message to their interests and expectations. The person or group of people to be addressed by the spokesperson should be researched in order to understand their concerns and needs. Once this step is done, the speech can be adjusted accordingly.
- Knowing how to manage a crisis: in times of extreme complexity, the spokesperson is a fundamental pillar that must convey calmness, clarity and security. It is very important to be prepared in advance and to have a thorough understanding of the crisis plan. An effective spokesperson communicates the facts with opennessdemonstrates empathy and ensures that corrective action is taken. Rapid response helps maintain public confidence and reduces damage to the organisation's reputation. In order to lead the narrative during a crisis, it is essential to have the ability to manage stress and maintain serenity.
- Improve non-verbal communication skills: the perception of a message can also be influenced by non-verbal communication. Gestures, postures, facial expressions and tone of voice may convey the opposite of the intended message. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind the importance of maintaining eye contactuse a posture and gestures expressive and confident, as well as the use of an tone of voice appropriate to convey trust and credibility
- Question and answer management: After a verbal presentation, it is likely to be the turn of questions or comments. In order to manage interactions effectively and respond clearly and accurately, a battery of possible questions and answers should be prepared, both the most obvious and those that may be more complex. In the case of not having or knowing the answer, the most suitable option is to establish an commitment to search and give the answer at another time. The sooner the better. This will prevent the person who asked the question in question from seeking an answer from other sources that may not be in the interests of the spokesperson and, therefore, of the company he or she represents.
- Constant adaptability and updating: In a rapidly changing media world, any spokesperson must be adaptable. Keeping up to date with the latest trends in communication, verbal and non-verbal, allows you to adapting messages to new formats and channelsensuring that they are relevant and effective. A spokesperson must be versatile, able to interact in both conventional and digital media and be willing to use new communication techniques and tools. This proactivity, in addition to extending the reach and impact of the message, also strengthens the organisation's reputation.
In short, to communicate effectively and efficiently with different audiences, it is essential to have adequate preparation. It will be easier to communicate effectively in any situation if you work with a specialised communication agency.