11 24. Decalogo para crear un discurso eficaz

In today's world of business communication, the development of a coherent and persuasive speech stands out as a key differentiating element. In this week's post we tell you about the ten guidelines that should be taken into account to structure speeches that, in addition to communicating any message effectively, are capable of making an impact on different audiences.

1. Audience analysisBefore drafting, it is essential to identify the recipients of the message. Whether they are journalists, investors, employees or potential customers, the tone, style and content of the speech must be adapted to create an effective connection.

2. Define the objectiveDo you want to inform, persuade, inspire or motivate? Determining the objective of the speech is key to developing structured content that aligns expectations with desired outcomes.

3. Structuring the contentto maintain clarity and conciseness, a speech should follow a logical sequence: captivating introduction, development with key arguments and a strong conclusion.

4. Identifying the core messageIt is important to identify the main message and to keep it present throughout the speech. This message must be persuasive and capable of leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

5. Incorporation of examples and anecdotesThe use of specific examples and relevant stories enriches the discourse, facilitates understanding and creates emotional connections with the audience.

6. Choice of language and toneto keep the audience's attention, use clear and easy-to-understand language, changing the tone according to the context and purpose of the speech.

7. Practising and perfectingDetailed preparation and repeated rehearsal are important if an effective presentation is to be made. Feedback plays a key role because it allows for necessary adjustments to be made to both the message and its presentation. For this, it is advisable to make use of professional communicators, such as a specialised agency.

8. Interaction with the audienceinteractive elements, where appropriate, can increase participation and make the message more memorable and effective.

9. A powerful closingThe final point: end with a powerful statement that summarises the main points and makes an impact on the listeners to increase their retention. There are different ways to do this, such as incorporating a call to action or sharing a reflection.

10. Preparation for the subsequent dialoguepreparing in advance to answer potential questions highlights the speaker's skill and knowledge, and strengthens the speaker's image of authority and confidence in front of the audience.

In short, carefully crafting a speech is a crucial tactic for success in corporate communication. By putting this Decalogue into practice hand in hand with communication expertsIn InfluenceSuite, companies can develop persuasive speeches that help them achieve their objectives, as well as strengthen their image in the business environment. At InfluenceSuite we offer you our expertise in speech creation. Shall we talk?

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