Private communication channels such as WhatsApp or Telegram are strategic tools that should be integrated as part of external and internal communication plans. Thanks to them, not only is it possible to establish a more direct, personalised, closer and effective interaction with the different audiences, but they also improve the perception they have of the brand or company.
WhatsApp and Telegram: communication channels available to everyone
Until not so long ago, companies relied on one-way communication channels such as mail, fax, e-mail or telephone to communicate externally with journalists, customers or employees.
The emergence of platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram has substantially changed the way we communicate. These channels allow for a horizontal communicationwhere customers feel listened to and attended to in a personalised way.
For an agency, the integration of these channels into both internal and external communication plans allows them to provide their clients or employees with a attention immediate and close. In addition, with data collection, we have the opportunity to adapt communication strategies according to the needs and behaviour of the users with whom we are interacting.
Closer and more personalised relations with stakeholders
In addition to the speed of response, these communication channels bring added value: the ability to personalise the message and create an emotional connection with the recipient. Users seeking information or support receive answers in a matter of seconds, which significantly improves the customer experience and strengthens brand loyalty. Internal communication strategies that take advantage of these channels facilitate a more natural and closer interaction with employees, thus showing a more accessible and human image of the company.
The challenge of ethical and efficient communication
Capitalising on the rise of private business communication channels also involves significant challenges. Businesses must strike a balance between speed of response and quality of service. They must also manage their users' personal data and privacy responsibly to ensure an ethical and professional service.
In conclusion, the rise of messaging platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram offers an opportunity for any communications agency wishing to optimise communication with its clients or their different target audiences, helping them to implement it. By strengthening the closeness with audiences, a connection is established that enhances their experience and increases the loyalty in an increasingly competitive market.